Welcome to my first blog :D

Daniel Kasprzyk
2 min readApr 16, 2021


Hi, as you’ve seen from the title this is my first blog. Here you’ll get to listen to me ramble and share knowledge about the things that I’m passionate about and hopefully you'll learn something new (fun times).

Screenshot from my latest game

A little backstory about me: I’m currently a game development student at college that focuses on programming and have created 4 simple games over the span of 2 years. I’m working on my final game at the time of writing before finishing off this course and moving onto university.

At university, I will be starting a computer science with cybersecurity course where I’ll get to continue my love for technology and expand into cybersecurity, a field I only got into at the start of 2020 but nonetheless feel very passionate about and have caught up to pretty quickly.

As for what I plan on doing here on this blog page and other social medias, I wish to spread knowledge about topics that I’m knowledgeable in. This may come in a variety of ways such as blogs, videos and simple posts. My goal with this is to help out others as well as expanding my skills as I research these areas.

Topics that you can expect to see here are general cybersecurity tips, deep dives into tech concepts, personal advice, ctf writeups, game development, gaming and anything else that I may find interesting enough to share on here.

Life can usually get very busy however I will try my best to find the time to work on this little project of mine. I really enjoy writing and creating things, meaning that this will definitely be a fun thing to do.

Further in the future I would like to attempt to get more people into cybersecurity by creating little games to inspire interest in the field. This idea comes from me being a game developer myself and from seeing how much everyone loves games. It’s a nice little idea but it really depends on where life will take me throughout the years.

Other than that, I hope you enjoyed this little introduction, more to come soon and I hope you stick around :)

